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Quick Facts.  Read the Q&A and the Favorites  for more about me. 
  • Name:  Thomas (Tommy)  Williams - DiMera
  • Date of Birth: January 11th
  • Current Age: 22
  • STate, City:  Indianapolis, Indiana
  • Status :  Single Male
  • Occupation:  College student & Full time Job (Phew)




What is/are your favorite.....

  • Top five singers/bands- Greenday, Maroon 5, Cher, Franz Ferdinand, and Bjork
  • Tv Show- Desperate Housewives
  • Food- Italian
  • Actor- James Spader 
  • Actress-Diane Keaton
  • Color- Royal Purple 
  • Hair Color- Black
  • Movie-  American Beauty
  • Game- Poker
  • Porn- Brazilian Nuts 3 :-)
  • Credit Card- American Express Blue for Students
  • Shoe Brand- Adidas
  • Clothing Brand-  Old Navy
  • Pizza Place-  Papa Johns
  • Nick Name you've given someone-  Yella Bella (love ya Lisa) 
  • Nick Name someone Gave you- Fairy Queen (Shawna calls me that) 
  • Soda Pop- Mountain Dew
  • Alcholic Drink-  Anything with Tequilla.
  • Scent-  Victoria's Secret Love Spell 
  • Book- The Mousetrap by Agatha Christie  (The first play/performance I was ever in)
  • Saying-  "Uhh, let me think about that.  Yeah, really.  ooo, this just in, that would be a no."
  • Fast Food Restraunt-  Subway
  • Song- Secret by Maroon 5 
  • Animal-  Felines.  Lions, and Tigers, and Kitties  oh my.

Q & A with Tommy D.

Q: What makes you happy? What makes you Unhappy?

A: Family, friends, and good times.  I'm happy when I'm able to relax and share with people and just be myself.  I'm happy when I can relax and recline. I get very unhappy with people who take advantage of children in any form.   I get unhappy at ignorance and bigotry.  I've never understood how anyone can hate a person based on Race, Sex, Sexual orientation, Religion, or what you like to drink on a sunday afternoon.  Stop being so stupid. 

Q: So, what are you top ten pet peeves?

  1. Self Loathing
  2. Unasked for Physical contact
  3. Begging
  4. Indirect Questions/Wanting but fishing for it
  5. Cell Phones
  6. Bad Friggen Drivers
  7. Body functions (Poot, Burp, booger)
  8. Not listening
  9. Kiss asses
  10. Calling out my name in Public.

Q: If you had a million dollars, what would you spend it on?

A: I would start my own GLBT friendly business.  What type, I'm not sure.  Food, Hair, Books, Car Wash, investment firm.  Just anything that will be useful to not only the GLBT community but all communities. 

Q: If you were deserted on an island  what 5 things would you like to have with you?

A: Unlimited supply of writting paper and pens, Flint, the confidence of knowing my family are all alright, solar powered radio, and a damn boat so I can get off the damn island for goodness sake!

Q: If you have children, how many would you like and what would you name them?

A: I would love to have three kids.  Yeah, I know I'm crazy.  The names:

  • Thomas Jr.  ( Lil TJ) 
  • Victoria Marie
  • Mark Antonio

Q: What is your goal in life?

A: It's a simple one.  To love as many, help as many, and learn from as many people as I can to  take with me to whatever is next. 

Q: What are your favorite TV shows?

A: Ok, so many. Desperate Housewives, Boston Legal, Homewreaker, The Amazing Race,  Survivor, Will & Grace, Saturday Night Live, Jeopardy,  Mad TV, Bevis and Butthead (still),  Jay Leno, Wildboyz,  David Letterman, The view,Desperate Housewives, Nanny 911, Cops, Judge Judy,  and Price is Right to name a few. lol

Q: What music do you listen to?

A: Everything.  I do mean everything.  Italian opera, Altrnative, country, hip hop, classical, blue grass, acustic, seriously, all. 

Q: What are you favorite movies of all time?

A: Of course, my all time fav.  American Beauty.  American Beauty.  American Beauty.  Um, American Beauty. Silence of the Lambs, Hannibal, Red Dragon.  Basically anything with Anthony Hopkins or Jack Nicholson in it!   

Q: Which living person do you most admire?

A: My grandmother Gene

Q: Which living person do you least admire?

A:George W. Bush

Q: Which dead person do you most admire?

A: Martin Luther King Jr. 

Q: Which dead person do you least admire?

A: Hitler

Q: Describe yourself in 5 words.

A: Prissy ( That's for you Ashley), Compassionate, Stern, Mysterious, and reliable

Q: What trait do you most admire in yourself?

A: My intelligence

Q: And which trait do you least admire in yourself?

A: My spelling and my times when I turn into "them"  and start beating up on myself because of physical things.  I sometimes forget I am beautiful to everyone that counts.

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